What are 'Technical Skills'

Technical skills are the knowledge and abilities needed to accomplish mathematical, engineering, scientific or computer-related duties, as well as other specific tasks relating to technology. Those with technical skills are often referred to as technicians, such as audio technicians, electronics technicians or engineering technicians. Technical skills can also refer to the ability of a certain type of stock trader who uses technical analysis to buy and sell stocks.

BREAKING DOWN 'Technical Skills'

Technical skills can refer to the ability to perform tasks that require the use of certain tools, whether tangible or intangible, and technology to complete them. In this regard, the knowledge in a technical skills area is seen as practical in nature as it allows a person to complete a designated task in a real, not theoretical, way. Given the growth of technology within the economy, the need for technical skills is likely to continue to grow.

Career Education or Training

The acquisition of technical skills requires specific education or training, often with a hands-on learning component. Technical skill requirements exist in most career fields, with the highest concentrations being employment in areas involving higher levels of scientific, technological, engineering and mathematical capabilities.

Within the stock market, trader participation in technical analysis requires the use of various technical skills. This includes the ability to determine what data is required and how it needs to be used to produce the required information. Most technical analysis regarding market activities is designed to take historical information and use it to predict future outcomes.

Technical Analysis in Finance

In finance, technical skills include an array of knowledge areas such as computing abilities, quantitative analysis and various stock market forecasting techniques. Technical analysis requires certain mathematical skills, some fairly advanced in nature, to produce charts and model trends to look at historical information to predict future movements. Technical skills in this context would refer to a person who possesses the knowledge and abilities to complete the tasks required to gather the data, produce a data model and perform analysis on the outputs.

§           MADARASA MARIFUL ISLAM              §           DASHRATH EDUCATION AND TECHNICEAL INSTITUTE TURTIPAR BALLIA - 221715              §           A National Computer Programme of Information Technology Education              §           RUDHRA YOGA CENTER KOPAGANG - MAU- 275105              §           TECHNICAL SHIKSHA VIKAS MISSION YOGA https://yoga.ayush.gov.in/              §           GOOD MANNER COACHING              §           SHRI GURIV RAM INSTITUTE AZAMGARH 276122              §           MD CHILED CARE INSTITUTE              §           SHAKUNTALAM TECHENCAL SCHOOL              §           MAHADEV BABA MAST RAM LAHARI KAUSHAL ITI JAUNPUR 222148              §           GSD SHIKSHAN SANSTHAN BALLIA              §           SHREE GANGA JI INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION MAU              §           RAM CHEEJ SHIKSHAN SANSTHAN MAU              §           SSD SKILL DEVLOPMENT MISSION SCHOOL BALLIA              §           MAA FOOLMATI DEVI KAUSHAL VIDYALAYA TECHNICAL COLLAGE KAUSHAL ITI              §           GOLU TECHNICAL INSTITUTE & COMPUTER CENTER              §           RAMANAND TECHNICAL INSTITUTE              §           INDIAN TECHNICAL DEGREE COLLAGE KUSHINAGAR 274306              §           R.P SHIKSHAN SANSTHAN BALLIA 88000503              §           NIRMALA GROUP OF CUTTING AND TAILORING BEAUTICIAN TECHNICAL INSTITUTE IN MAU              §           LARD BHUDDHA TECHNICAL INSTITUTE MAU              §           MAA PHULPATI DEVI COMPUTER & TECHNICAL INSTITUTE BALLIA              §           S.M.N TECHNICAL INSTITUTE MAU              §           ICS INSTITUTE YOGA TRANING CENTER KOPAGANJ MAU 9453996549              §            JAN MOHAMMAD FRIENDS SKILL SCHOOL LADANPURA KOPAGANJ MAU 275305              §           JEEVAN ASHA INSTITUTE MAU              §           MATA MANRI DEVI TECHNICAL INSTITUTE BIJAURA, GHAZIPUR              §           DR. A.P.J ABDUL KALAM TECHNICAL INSTITUTE              §           NALANDA EDUCATIONAL ACADEMY GHOSI MAU              §           R.G PUBLIC SCHOOL BALLIA (U.P)              §           VEER BAHADUR TECHNICAL INSTITUTE              §           UMASHANKAR TECHNICAL COLLEGE              §           BASANT TECHNICAL COMPUTER EDUCATION              §           SHREE NAGENDER CONVENT SCHOOL TECHNICAL INSTITUTE              §           SWAMI VIVEKANAND PUBLIC SCHOOL AND TECHNICAL INSTITUTE              §           J M D PUBLIC SCHOOL              §           HARSH RAJ TECHNICAL INSTITUTE              §           MAA SHAKUNTALA DEVI INTER COLLAGE              §           ACHARAY NRENDRA DEV TECHENICAL INSTITUTE - VILL RUDDI CHANDRA SHEKHAR NAGAR USKER BALLIA MOBI NO - 8052420935              §            ICS COMPUTER EDUCATION HALDHARPUR MAU              §           SHRI BHOLANATH TECHNICAL COLLEGE GAZIAPUR(DUBARI) MAU              §           PANDAY LABLE COMPANY & CUTTING CENTER              §           ACHARYA BABA BACHAN EDUCATION BALLIA              §           LDRS Group of Computer and Engineering Institution              §           MAHI COMPUTER EDUCATION MAU              §           K.G.N TECHNICAL INSTITUTE & COMPUTER EDUCATION              §           Dr. BHIM RAO AMBEDKAR KAUSHAL VIKAS INSTITUTE              §           SHREE RAENATH COMPUTER I.T.I SHIKSHAN SANSTHAN              §            SUDHA KALA KENDRA MAU              §           RUDRAANKIT MUSIC RECORDING TRAINING CENTRE              §           SAHELI TRAINING CENTER MAU              §           TRIBHUWAN LAL SHRIWASTAV GAYTRI DEVI TECHANICAL INSTITUTION MAU              §           RATAN EDUCATION & TECHNICAL CENTRE              §           ICS COMPUTER EDUCATION MAU